Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blog Post #1 - Sources

 In this day and age there are so many places to find news, here are my top five that I continuously visit...

1. New York Time 

   When I think of a reliable source for news, The New York Times always tops my list. During my school days, it became my go-to for research. The clear, straightforward writing style lets me grasp complex topics without drowning in jargon, making it perfect for students and casual readers. I love having their notifications turned on for breaking news; it keeps me in the loop without overwhelming me. 

2. 101.3 KDWB 

  101.3 KDWB is my local Minnesapolis-St. Paul radio talk show network. On my way to and from work, I prefer to listen to their channel as they discuss everything from celebrities to politics. This show is heavily opinionated but they are a source of information I continue to find myself tuning into since it is so entertaining. When a piece of news sticks with me, I will fact-check it allowing me to form my own opinion. I’ve even shared this channel with my mom, and now it’s her favorite way to catch up on current events. It’s perfect for those who want to stay informed without getting bogged down by serious politics.

3. Social Media 

    Social Media is a big source of my news for as I am on it at all times of the day. While I am scrolling on TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat I will see clips of viral stories which help keep me informed. If something interests me, I take it a step further and Google it for more information. When absorbing social media news I tend to proceed with caution since Photoshop and AI can easily be applied and convey something misleading. It’s a double-edged sword that keeps me connected but requires a discerning eye.

    While visiting my grandparents we never have a moment of silence because the TV is on all hours of the day. If it isn't sports, its FOX. While I don’t often watch television news, when I do, I gravitate toward FOX because they present information through a lens that resonates with me. Their right-leaning perspective aligns with my views, making it easier for me to engage with their content. Occassionally I will tune into CNN just for a well-rounded perspective.

5. Word-of-Mouth

    Lastly, even with my favorite sources, I often miss newsworthy events. That’s where "word-of-mouth" comes into play. My friends are fantastic at keeping me updated on celebrity gossip and social happenings, while my family fills me in on politics and financial markets. Although the information I receive from friends and family can be less reliable, it’s often a fun and engaging way to stay connected with current events.

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